
Newsletter January 2021

Newsletter January 2021

We had a successful year 2020, as we were able to support our corporate customers and VLSI trainees using our cloud-based online training solutions. We are proud to inform you that we reduced 50% of our VLSI course fees and supported the NCGs during the COVID crisis, considering their family and financial situation. We were also able to continue with our operations and train the engineers, irrespective of the challenges due to the COVID crisis in the last year 2020. This continuous training delivery and operations help us now to provide the industry ready VLSI engineers and support our industry partners.

We are glad to inform you that we have deployed 100+ VLSI engineers in the last quarter of the year 2020 in the companies i.e. Apollo Computing Laboratories, Cerium Systems, Samsung, SmartDV, Softnautics, Synopsys, Truechip Solutions, Valtrix, and many others.


We are delighted to inform you that we have recently launched our RISC-V Courses that include RISC-V ISA, RISC-V RTL Architecture Design, RISC-V RTL Design using Verilog HDL, and RISC-V RTL Verification using UVM. We would also like to inform you that now all our trainees at Maven Silicon will be trained on RISC-V processor design and verification as part of their VLSI RN course and ready with the processor design expertise too.

Our founder and CEO, Mr. P R Sivakumar, took the initiative for Maven Silicon in October 2020 to collaborate with RISC-V as their Training Partner primarily to upskill the VLSI engineers on RISC-V processor design and introduce more processor experts to the semiconductor industry. As per his commitment, he has designed all the RISC-V online courses and published them in Jan 2021.

In this RISC-V course demo video, he explains why processor design is essential for every VLSI engineer who aspires to design different kinds of chips like embedded and IoT microcontrollers, smartphone SoCs, laptop, and server chips and grow, being part of the semiconductor industry.


In order to support our Industry partners, we have recently introduced an initiative called Industry Partnership. Based on the number of VLSI engineers deployed through our placement support, we would be happy to provide our online course with some free and discounted licenses to enable them to hire NCGs and laterals and train them on VLSI Design and Verification on their own, being their VLSI COE.


We believe that skill development is the best tool to transform lives, Through our social responsibility initiative “Maven Silicon for the Community”, we help students learn advanced VLSI concepts and empower them to open new doors to a better world. We are glad to share that as our humble effort to make a meaningful difference, we have chosen three deserving students for our Job-oriented FREE VLSI training program.

We look forward to mapping the path directing the career success for the VLSI Engineers. Looking Forward to Another Great Year!

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