VLSI Training

Ethics in business are just a passing fashion?

Ethics in business are just a passing fashion?

You go to a mall looking for a nice shirt.

You get in the trial room to try one.

Didn’t really like it!

Left it crumpled on the floor and stepped out.

You go to a mall looking for a nice shirt.

You get in the trial room to try one.

Didn’t really like it!

Handed it over to the staff and stepped out.

Ethics are the basic moral principles that govern your actions/behavior.

For all you cricket fans in the house, no matter how much you cheer for your favorite team in the IPL, you would never want them to win by unethical means.

Spiderman, Shaktimaan, Batman, Wonder Woman, Iron Man all of them are our superheroes for the fact that they choose to do the morally correct thing.

So, in an era where even the fiction talks about ethics, how could ethics be just a passing fashion in business?

Professional ethics encompass the personal and corporate standards of behavior.

In the community of skilled and paid workers, the title Professional goes to only a few.

A professional is the one who describes Attitude, Behaviors, and actions.

Professional and ethical employees are an asset to any organization.

Workplace ethics also go a long way in strengthening the bond among employees and most importantly their superiors.

Professionalism or Ethics in the workplace can be determined by numerous qualities.

  1. Integrity: They say honesty is the best policy. Indeed!
    Being trustworthy, practicing open and honest communication, owning up to your mistakes, Protecting your organization’s Intellectual Property, respecting company policies and other’s Opinions are all signs of an honest and loyal employee.
  2. Sense of ownership: Results/Quality of a task would never be a concern if every employee takes complete ownership of their work. If you are accountable, it helps the organization build trust in you and hence makes you a very valuable/irreplaceable resource. Taking initiatives is good! A responsible employee does not need any surveillance to complete the work.
  3. Resilient: Flexibility and tolerance to ambiguity are the traits of a professional. Circumstances and situations at the workplace may always not be favorable but a professional always has control over his pulse. Impulsive reactions and rebellious attitudes are not ethical ways to solve a problem.
  4. Relationship Building: Workplace relationships speak of your interpersonal or people skills. Having a cordial relationship with your peers and superiors can lead to cohesive work culture, better productivity, a pleasant and stress-free work environment, and ultimately greater goal attainment. Verbal respect, assertiveness, and giving credits for each one’s work are the building blocks of workplace relationships.

Read more about workplace communication here: Reduce Stress, Communicate Better!

  1. Valuing Time: Punctuality and time management are the virtues of an ethical employee. Time management is a much-needed skill in the business world because multitasking is the ask.

Read this article on time management: Time Optimization

It wouldn’t be wrong to quote that, “No matter who you are and what you do, your ethics and people skills will always have a direct impact on your professional and social success”

And as they say, there are no shortcuts to success.

Training at Maven Silicon chases the goal of producing industry-ready skilled VLSI Engineers who are highly professional. Business communication training trains you to get the job and also helps you to learn how to survive and grow in your respective jobs by all ethical means.

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