A skill which lets you get, keep and grow in your job!

A skill which lets you get, keep and grow in your job!

Wonder, What is that?

Ever heard about Self Education/Self Learning? 

I’m sure you have. Another word for Self-directed Learning is Autodidacticism. 

Wright Brothers: Pioneers behind the world’s first successful motor-operated airplane, did not even complete their high school graduation. Henry Ford: founder Ford Motors, never attended college.

Karl Marx: the German communist philosopher was also an autodidact. 

Pattern here? All of them were Self Taught. 

But, why are we talking about it?

In a trend spreading to other fields, many are choosing to learn via online courses, boot camps, on-the-job training, and collaborating with peers.

So, the point here is that amidst the current scenario of layoffs and technological advancements like automation impacting on human jobs, Self Learning skill could be your savior.

Your professional growth is proportional to your ability and desire to learn.

It is evident that despite the formal education which is essential to bag a job, Self Learning is the need of the hour.

Also, Employers, today want to invest in young minds who are acquainted with the latest industry trends.

Because being Competent and Self Learning is the only skill which can help us outperform the competition. 

Importance and the impacts of self-learning are highly striking and are beyond your imagination. So! Aligning with the current demand, We at Maven Silicon offer various Online VLSI Courses and share our knowledge through our Blog and Social Media platforms to help young engineers to develop the habit of self-learning and acquire more knowledge. 

Jim Ron who is an American entrepreneur and motivational speaker, says that “Formal Education would make you a living but Self Education will make you a fortune”. 

Self Learning allows you to choose the subject that you want to learn, when do you want to learn and how are you going to ace it.

Self Learning aids self-confidence. It allows you to be creative at your job.

It also gives rise to a lot of other skills like self-assessment, problem-solving and time management. 

With so many pros associated I’m sure you would too want to indulge in the process.

A few ways here for your help :

  1. Choose what you want to learn
  2. Start with what interests you
  3. Find out the right channel (Blogs, vlogs, youtube, books)
  4. Set daily goals
  5. Be realistic with your goals, move gradually
  6. Validate your learning via tests/quizzes/discussions
  7. Don’t forget to apply what you learn
  8. A reward is a must


Keep Learning and Keep Growing!