Do you feel misunderstood?

Do you feel misunderstood?

Have you been in a phase where you are going through an emotional roller coaster, feeling a lot of emotions but not able to express it?

Kelly is overwhelmed with issues in her personal life. She doesn’t want to talk about it to anyone in the workplace. Seems Fair! But every time she ends up offending someone in the conversation and later says, “Huh! Nobody understands me.”

Aanya was in her performance appraisal meeting with her Boss. Post the meeting she went on a rant, “I work too hard for this pay. I don’t feel valued. The boss should know the amount of effort that I put in every day. He doesn’t understand.”

Ok! But hey! Did you put across any of these points in the meeting with Boss?

Aanya: “Phew! What’s the point? He wouldn’t understand anyway.”

Jo is a mastermind when it comes to working on his machine, dealing with codes, and problem-solving, critical thinking. When given a problem, he gets you the solution. But when asked to explain/talk about it, he fails. Why?

All the above scenarios left me with a big question mark.

Why do people feel misunderstood? How do you bridge that gap and avoid misunderstandings?

“Hey! How are you doing?”

“I’m OK.”

“Just OK! Why not good? What happened?

“Nah, Nothing. Kind of sad.”

“Oh! But what exactly happened? Are you upset about something or with someone?”

“I don’t know. Don’t ask me too many questions. Just understand.”

Understand? But how?

Ha-ha! Tricky. Right?

We are often not able to articulate our feelings/emotions/thoughts but expect everyone around to understand it.

Being articulate could possibly be the most important skill you can develop. Knowing’ something isn’t enough when you can’t communicate it.

Articulation is all about communicating consciously, precisely, clearly, and hence effectively.

Articulate people create confidence in the people they work with because they leave the conversation in a clear position.

Whereas, poor articulation can lead to questions around your skill and utilization in the organization.

That is where you can’t justify the kind of work that you do.

Articulation has nothing to do with fancy vocabulary and use of the latest jargon or buzzwords.

It is just about the clarity of your thoughts and a simple language to express it.

Delivering bad news, saying no to something without offending the other side, suggesting ideas is tricky scenarios, the ability to share objective feedback, all of this is a cakewalk for an articulate person.

Articulation skills earn you many titles in the workplace. Problem Solver, Go to Person, Confident, Assertive, Collaborator, and many more.

Words! When said and articulated in a certain way can create magic.

All the leaders, influencers, and motivational speakers that you see and hear to have mastered the art of articulation. They can encourage you, make you feel better even in a crisis situation, instill confidence in you, and inspire you.

And why just Leaders, even for the freshers trying to stepping in the industry, ability to articulate demonstrates your confidence and bestows you with all the growth opportunities.

Rightly said that a thought process is never complete with articulation.

To sum up, here is a beautiful quote by James Clear:

You know yourself mostly by your thoughts but everyone else in the world knows you only by your actions/words. Remember this when you feel misunderstood. You have to do or say something for others to know how you feel.

Training at Maven Silicon, as a part of the VLSI RN Course, turns you to be a more confident individual, and the activities like presentation and individual speeches, make you voice out your views without any hesitation or fear. Come on in, get trained, and shoot up your career.