You should give a damn about your appearance!

You should give a damn about your appearance!

We often hear and listen to these lines that “Looks don’t really matter and you should judge a person by his character”.

True a person should be judged by his deeds.

But how about being well dressed, looking at your best, and also doing the best deeds.

Why don’t we talk about this best combination?

We should not judge a book by its cover but we definitely pick the book with a fancy cover. Fact!

Power dressing at the workplace sets the stage right for you.

While talking about dressing etiquette in my training classes, I always ask my trainees “How many of you would go for a pool party dressed in a tuxedo or a suit?”

And the answer is a big look with a weird smile which says “What are you even saying?”

And when I ask Why not? The answers I get it that a tuxedo or a suit is not appropriate for the place and occasion.

Exactly! I understand that with flexibility as the new in, most of us don’t even consider wearing formals at the workplace.

Well! That’s ok. Dressing etiquette is not about formal dressing. It talks about the choice of your dress for a particular place and occasion.

How about looking at yourself in the mirror and saying “Yeah! I look good. I look smart. I look great”. All this self-talk incites a lot of confidence in you and prepares you for the day ahead.

Believe it or not, Good dressing commands respect and people’s belief in you.

A study by Lefkowitz, Blake, and Mouton (1955) proved that business suits portray a form of authority. In an experiment they had someone in a city cross the street against the traffic. When he was dressed in a suit, three-and-a-half times as many people followed him as when he was wearing a work shirt and trousers.

You should dress the message. You can always control your first impressions that you make by dressing sharply.

Casual is the new cool and hence the rules of dressing for the workplace could be vague for a few of us. Here are a few tips to dress for the office:

  1. Align with your industry and your office culture
  2. Too tight or too baggy clothes are a big No-No
  3. Manage your hair well. Men: Your facial hair should not overwhelm your face.
  4. Avoid jazzy and pompous accessories
  5. Neon and flashy colors! No, please.
  6. Footwear: Choose comfort. Mind the style and colors.

So! Are you all set to make that dazzling and gleaming impression?

As a part of  VLSI RN Course, along with technical training, Maven Silicon also trains you to groom and nurture as a complete professional, for your successful professional journey.