Are you endorsing yourself well?

Are you endorsing yourself well?

Have you come across a post on any social media platform, wherein the post is hardly 100 characters, but what takes most of the space is the series of hashtags.

I used to find it weird earlier.

But then I realized that everyone was trying to stay relevant.

I’m sure all of you must have heard about SEO. Search Engine Optimization.

You search for a good Indian restaurant and tend to mostly order from the top few in the list.

How do these restaurants top the list?

Search engine optimization is the process that organizations go through to help make sure that their site ranks high in the search engines for relevant keywords and phrases.

Underline, keywords, and phrases.

Offering what the user/customer wants is the first rule of creating a brand.

Likewise, for all those looking out for job opportunities, the question is, are they able to strike the balance between “What employer wants” and “Your offerings”?

Are you endorsing yourself really well?

Are you working on your personal SEO?

For any Jobseeker, Resume, Cover Letter, and LinkedIn are the most important pieces of the puzzle named “How to find a job?”

When you correctly implement personal SEO, you appear in the search results when someone searches for your name and also for your key skills and personal brand attributes.

How to do this?

  • Optimize with keywords and phrases which are in context with the job role. Add all relevant skills, strengths, and achievements that add to your profile for the job. Do not refrain from adding common skills like MS Office, problem-solving, attention to detail that every job needs. Weave your keywords, do not dump them!
  • Job Descriptions cannot be avoided anymore. Always align your job application with the JD. Look for other job descriptions for a similar role. This will help you to add additional but relevant skills.
  • The headline and updating Job preferences on LinkedIn can really help.

Here is a simple formula to write the headline for LinkedIn:

Your skills | Open to Job opportunities in……….. (Industry/Job Titles)

For Job Preferences, update all possible and relevant job titles around which the jobs are available.

  • Update the location where the job density is maximum. This will reduce your chance of being rejected only because you are not a local.
  • Add the profile URL of your LinkedIn/Github/Quora account on your resume, if your profile is all worth it.
  • Your LinkedIn profile should speak for you.

Add skills/languages/projects/certificates/achievements to everything that you got.

Your Resume, Cover Letter, and your social media profiles like LinkedIn/Quora are your brand ambassadors.

And do remember that “A brand is a story that is always being told” – Scott Bedbury.

Come join our brigade of proud learners at Maven Silicon and learn to build your personal brand at your workplace and contribute to your organization’s brand too.