How to create a winning LinkedIn profile in 2023?

Did you know?

A hire is made every 10 seconds using LinkedIn and this is only going to increase in the coming year 2023. Fact from LinkedIn Talent Solutions.

LinkedIn statistics on say that:

  • LinkedIn has over 20 million companies listed and over 14 million open jobs
  • 90% of the recruiters use LinkedIn regularly.
  • 122 million people have received an interview through LinkedIn
  • 35.5 million have been hired by a person they connected on LinkedIn

But what’s the relevance of these facts until you have the right profile to match the recruiter expectation!

Here are key points to note for creating a winning LinkedIn profile in 2023:

  1. Add a good headshot. Simple with a subtle backdrop.
  2. A cover photo in alignment with your profession or personality is eye-catching.
  3. Your Full Name: Consider the sentence case
  4. Headline: It’s like your billboard advertisement. Should talk about what you do your specialty.
  5. Summary: Summary or the about section is important! It is like a comprehensive version of your resume. Keep it interesting and craft it around your work and aspirations.

For freshers/students: It should talk about your skills and where do you want to land with those skills.

  1. You can customize your profile URL to something where your name is followed by your profession.

Usually, the URL has some number that doesn’t add any value.

Change your public profile URL

  1. Add all the necessary details to strengthen your profile. Adding about your location, industry, education, experience, projects, publications, certificates and interests would only help.
  2. You should ask for recommendations from your superiors/mentors.
  3. Don’t refrain to make relevant connections. Connect with people in your industry, people you know and influencers. Follow the right page/person which caters to your interests and professional need.
  4. Stay Active. Keep engaging with your posts, articles and by sharing all positive news/content.

You are the Boss of your account. You can completely control your account and it’s visibility for others by customizing your privacy settings.

As a part of VLSI RN Course, the training we provide fosters you to make a strong impression everywhere starting from the social media profiles to the job interview and further the workplace. So, why wait? Come on in and get ready to allure the professional world in this new year 2023.