What sets us apart from Robots?

What sets us apart from Robots?

As we move towards the new world of automation, there are a few questions which need our attention.

What makes humans different from robots? What makes us better than bots? What lets you keep your jobs during automation?

Still figuring out the answer?

Well the answer is simple!

It is your behavioral skills.

Soft skills, interpersonal skills, communication skills are the different names by which we know it.

Behavioral skills describe your ability to act and react to multiple situations that come for/against you.

These are the skills which are intangible and can be learned and practiced over a period of time. Irrespective of your role, organization and industry that you cater to, these skills stay with you and make you fully prepared to sustain in a global economy.

So it wouldn’t be wrong to call them core skills.

Your core competencies include ability to communicate, work in a team, solve problems, listen, empathize, make a decision, be assertive and a lot more could be added to the list.

Our training here at Maven Silicon is focused a lot around behavioral skills to provide the best of interview preparation to our trainees.

So if you ever think of the threat of getting replaced by a Robot, always remember that a machine can’t:

1.     Actively listen and reciprocate accordingly

2.     Be tolerant to uncertainties

3.     Build trust and relationships

4.     Be creative

5.     Empathize

And believe it or not, the above mentioned skills are required to sustain among humans and also excel in your job.

Likewise if you are a job aspirant, always remember that you can’t get through a job interview only on the basis of your subject know how. Also your sustainability at the workplace is not just driven by your process skills. 

Your communication skills, presentation skills, body language, basic aptitude, ability to handle ambiguity, critical thinking, ability to solve problems and your courtesies do play a key role.

At Maven Siliconwe understand this and are working towards to impart the same to our trainees. Training on Behavioral skills or Business Communication as we call it, is a fundamental to our training methodology as a part of VLSI RN Course. With this we are able to chase the goal of fostering industry ready professionals.

So, it’s time to shift gears and embrace the behavioral skills as an essential for the workplace.